If you’re a marketer, then you know that nothing beats the power of bespoke content for your audience. The best way to run any marketing campaign is to give users what they’re interested in, what they can resonate with, and what fulfills their needs and wants. Put otherwise, your users need to feel like you created the content explicitly for them.
And that’s where content mapping thrives. You must have a well-thought plan for delivering the right content to the right people and at the right time. This may seem like a daunting task from the outside. But we promise it won’t be after you’ve read our article.
Here, we take a look at the five key considerations to make when mapping out your website content.
What are your site’s business objectives?
Before mapping out any webpage, you want to consider how that will contribute to the ultimate business goals. For instance, if you plan to generate more leads, then the content planning process should focus on delivering on that goal.
Whether it’s submitting a contact form, availing a demo, or product download, your lead generation tactic should align with your design process to determine the type of content that’s best suited for your target audience.
Is the existing content consistent with your redesign plan?
After establishing your business goals, it’s time to navigate and review all the existing web content pieces to determine those that need rewriting or complete deletion. Besides creating clear and consistent content, doing such content audits also boosts SEO rankings. And another thing, aligning your web content with your business objectives also enables you to implement any redesign plan in future.
Have you developed your buyer personas?
Matching your content with the target customers is the best way of optimizing your content marketing strategy. You’ll need to develop simple character descriptions of your target customers, otherwise known as buyer personas.
The best plan encompasses three types of buyer personas: primary users, decision-makers, and recommenders. Ensure your content targets each of these roles, their needs, pain-points, and challenges you’re looking to solve with your products.
The power of labeling and categorizing your content
Instead of grouping all types of content under a general category like blogs, consider reorganizing different types for improved user experience. For example, consider mapping out unique traits as white papers, articles, podcasts, or infographics where applicable. This will allow you to determine the types of content that are more appealing to different buyer personas.
Design within your CMS capabilities
When generating your website information architecture, you want to keep your content management system (CMS) capabilities in mind. The best CMS platform should include customizable menus, tagging, and taxonomy features to keep the redesigned structure flexible and user-friendly. You also want to ensure that it can accommodate changes in case you change your mind on your content strategy in the future.
Go ahead and map your content
With these five considerations, we see no reason you shouldn’t create high-quality content that generates traffic and turns your visitors into customers. Develop your business goals, audit the existing content to keep them consistent with your plan, design your user personas, and map out your content within your CMS platform capabilities.
Now it’s your turn to make it happen! Good luck!
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